Friday 6 January 2012

Rough Cut 1

This is our original rough cut. It has several noticeable errors. Our biggest concern is the soundtrack and the continuity regarding mise-en-scene. The soundtrack is annoying, as it is extremely repetitive. It starts before the visual indicated moment; when Rachel hits the stereo, which makes the piece seem rushed. The continuity of the piece is no better. The work changes from natural high key lighting to low key in random positions. Disengaging the audience and destroying the atmosphere. However, I have noted both these errors in previous posts and the new song and re-filming we have done will correct our errors. On top of the major issues we have simpler ones to correct including a creation of a logo and a better speaker for advertising the show at the end of the trailer.

We also have several shots missing from our work. These shots have not been placed into the cut as to date but are being prepared to in short time.

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