Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Creating the first draft poster

To save time our production has split into two departments. The first department is creating a rough draft for the magazine cover and the second (the one I am in) is creating a rough draft for the promotional poster.

Step one- The initial idea.
The initial idea for our poster is to have it in a frame with an attractive backing. The frame and the background will attract higher class audiences and our soap character, wearing casual clothing will be juxtaposition to this posh-ness will attract the lower band audiences'.

Step two- Development.
The development required several factors. Firstly, images of the character to place into the poster. We took images in front of a black wall to make it easier to cut out the characters and place them into our poster. However, after several shots we realised that the black wall made it hard to see the black trousers of the characters, so as a result we started taking pictures infront of a white wall. Secondly, I initially did all cutting on ‘Photo shop 4’ but soon realised simpler looks better so we switched to the programme ‘Paint’ which made the cutting easier and faster.

Before putting characters into the work we gathered a background in which to place our characters and made the title of the soap opera so it can be advertised. We included a frame which I put around the image of the background to make the poster stand out and interesting.

 The first characters placed in the poster was Rachel Mannings and Harriet Collins. Here is an image to show you how this looked with the draft frame and background.

The third character I put in the poster was JenniferWard.

Followed by Barry Brooker and his bestfriend Charlie Collins.

Then I added Marcus Brooker and Ryan Parker.

All these characters created our poster and now I was able to add the final touches of poster conventions which included the location of the slogan and the channel name; which has not yet been confirmed.

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