Monday 10 October 2011

Magazine cover blue prints

Mag draft 1

Mag draft 2

These are the two drafts I created for a soap opera magazine cover. I prefer the first draft yet logically it should be the choice I reject.

Draft one is more packed, a convention for these covers. Yet, the title is not located in the left third. Draft two title is located in the left third. To get rid of the problem for draft one I will copy existing soaps strategies of having a catchy title, achieving being noticed by the audience because the first few letters are recognised.

Cosmo (thought not a tv listing magazine) is a good example of my draft one.

NOTE: On both my drafts i wrote main cover line for both the titles of the magazines located towards the top or left section of the page. I have noticed my error but cannot change it so please be aware of the title.

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