Tuesday 27 September 2011

Own soap idea

Some ideas came to mind when I thought of ideas that could make a potentially popular soap opera.

I considered a gap in the market, ‘a time period soap opera’. This has not been done before and would, I believe, attract a huge potential target audience who wish to learn as well as being entertained. This in turn would make two sections of the uses of gratification theory true, people watch to be entertained and people watch to learn.

However, without target audience research I could not even consider creating a time based soap opera. Also for a student to find locations, props, clothing and decent actors to fit the criteria of creating a time based trailer is near impossible, time consuming and money consuming, concluding the time based soap opera to be an impossible task with facilities available.

This led me to look for alternative solutions. We wanted to avoid an urban based soap opera and challenge ourselves to find rural locations, as well as props and clothing.

With few solutions left we decided to create a rural soap opera, like Emmerdale.

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